Writing all my blog posts in raw HTML was a funny idea, but in the end I was too comfortable with the familiar minimal markup of Markdown to change my ways.
The reason for even considering that option is my absurd quest for blog minimalism. At first I wanted no JS and random blog theme bloat on the site, which was easy to clear out, but then I didn’t like the complexity of having a whole blog generator to run. The issue is of course you can’t write Markdown and give users an HTML site without some kind of conversion/publishing process. The silly options are thus
What could be more minimalist than just Markdown files and no site at all? Incidentally, even after I took out all Jekyll-related files, https://jxu.github.io/blog still builds a Jekyll blog in GitHub pages unless a .nojekyll
file is present. The lazy option is to not bother with a site at all, but I’ll probably experiment with a pandoc-based build solution for fun sometime in the future.